So the celebrities are flocking to us like flies these days. Today Ed O'Neill, TV's "Al Bundy," stopped by our office in Parma to stoke the morale of the troops. He's looking a little grizzled these days, but you can still recognize him from his Married with Children heyday. And I have to say, he was super nice.
He came in handy, too. The trick of working the front door of this office is to turn the slews of people that stream in all day looking for "lawn signs" into volunteers for the campaign. It is sometimes like pulling teeth, and staffing the front office for 12 hours nonstop makes you feel a little bit like the only person in the desert who has water. People fall upon these lawn signs like hungry rabid dogs. I love to see the enthusiasm. But I fear for the moment (which is imminent) when we run out again. Things will get ugly.
[Aside. The serious subplot of this campaign is the Hunt for Lawn Signs. Lawn signs are being stolen, lawn signs win elections, lawn signs are being sold on ebay for $25 apiece, the McCain campaign is handing out lawn signs like candy, etc. It's the story of my life, lawn signs.]
So today, unsuspecting lawn sign seekers were greeted with Al Bundy, which awed them just long enough for me to rope them into a volunteer shift without my usual massively hard sell. I even convinced these two 22-year-old kids to come back later in the day for a canvass with the promise of meeting Ed O'Neill. That's a very impressive walk-in to canvass transformation rate, in case you didn't know. (Just trust me.) I wasn't allowed to watch Married with Children when it was on, but Ed O'Neill really made my day easier. Thanks Al.
I never actually like Married with Children.
But I liked all the characters. Odd how that works.
Dear SCS,
I admire your doings.
First Bill, now Ed O’Neill. I love that the promise of meeting Al Bundy made your day easier.
Thanks Todd! And yeah, Lesley, weird how that works. I'm going to be disappointed next weekend when another sitcom star fails to materialize for my use.
How is it that Obama can't afford lawn signs after raising $150 million in one month (after skipping out of public financing mind you)???
Did Michelle spend it all on lobster and caviar already?
The Obama campaign is actually putting its resources towards voter contact, Sonny. As someone famous once said, signs don't vote, people do.
Does Caviar vote???
My sincerest apologies for failing to point out what has to be THEEE most important, shocking issue ever brought up by this blog! When you get home, we are going to sit and watch like 1000 hours of old Married with Children episodes!!!
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