A sincere thank you to everyone who came to my party and those who couldn't but supported the cause anyway!! It was pretty American around here on Saturday night, from the red white & blue jello shots (thanks Lesley!), to the Sam Adams keg, to the homemade apple pies that everyone scarfed down (thanks Kristen and Marla!), to Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS playing in the background. I seriously want to thank everyone who has gotten so enthusiastically on board with this crazy idea of mine to be an Ohioan (is this the right expression? I'll find out soon) for a month. It's going to make the next few weeks of 15-hour days and donated housing much easier knowing that you all are rooting for me.

So just like that I'm headed to Parma, Ohio. I'll be staying with a reportedly "very nice" woman who has opened her apartment to Obama campaign volunteers, and I'll be working seven days a week from 9 am to midnight (or so the campaign office tells me). Apparently these people don't realize how much I like my eight hours of sleep a night. I'm telling myself you can handle anything for a month.
It seems like a good time to get into the fight. The McCain campaign will apparently be making a change in tactics this week, attempting to refocus the campaign away from the economy towards more direct, personal attacks on Senator Obama. So get ready for that pleasantness to come.
I'll continue to post here, hopefully every day if I can, sneaking a few minutes out of those 15 hours to let you know how things are going in the Midwest. I leave on Wednesday with an ample stash of cheese sandwiches and lots of good wishes to fortify me for the trip. Thank you, so much, again.
Don't forget to register and vote, multiple times in Ohio! LOL Best of luck.
fantastic party sull! maybe you can negotiate your 15-hour work days to start at noon ;) it is getting really ugly, and they seem to have no bottom. perfect time to begin your adventures in parm. luv!lesley
I admire your enthusiasm and zealousness, but I gotta say... don't you think it's a tad bit arrogant? I mean, moving to another state to help the poor, uninformed local folk make a decision about who to vote for? Do you really understand the issues facing a voter in Parma, Ohio? Or do you just assume your earnestness will magically tilt them toward Obama?
Typical blue-state condescension, I'm afraid. And I'm leaning toward Obama!
Not magically tilt anyone, no. Just encourage those people who may not be particularly involved in the political process to get involved for their own self-interest and for the improved welfare of our country. Don't forget to leave a name, anonymous!
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