Monday night: sheer exhaustion, sore throat, blanketing suburban neighborhoods after dark with door hangers that say "Vote Obama!" on them until 10:00 at night. Reporting to my staging location tomorrow at 5:30 am. Latest poll shows Ohio in a dead heat at 49% Obama, 49% McCain. Finally voted myself today, via absentee ballot in a grimy post office in Cleveland. Almost missed the deadline. Thinking about how to fire up my 100 volunteers tomorrow with a voice that sounds like a tired hooker because of my cold. I'm sure it will all work out.
Polls open in a few hours...
proud of you sull! i'm bet those volunteers are yelling back "fired up!" to that tired hooker voice of yours right now.
indeed they were--right that second! well, I was yelling "fired up?" and they were yelling back "ready to go!" (per our ground campaign motto) It is fun to be a political cheerleader.
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